
주요 연구





Koo, Jeong-Woo and Amanda Murdie “Do NGO Restrictions Limit Terrorism:? Smear Campaigns or Counterterrorism Tools”. Journal of Global Security Studies

Kim, Dae-Wook, Jeong-Woo Koo. “Political Embeddedness or World Cultural Pressure? Explaining Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in China, 2006-2020”. Sociological Forum Koo, Jeong-Woo “The Politics of Covid-19 in South Korea: Topic Modeling of ‘Tweets’ as a Source of Insights”, Journal of Human Rights

Kim, Dae-Wook, Eun Jung Lee, Jeong-Woo Koo. 2021. (Korean). “Diverse Paths to CSR in Game Industry: Influences of Institutional and Socio-Cultural Environments”. Korean Journal of Sociology 55(2) 91-13 Chung, Jinwon, Jeong-Woo Koo, Ara Cho. 2021. (Korean). “The Analysis on the Factors Affecting People’s Attitude toward Conscientious Objections to Military Service: A Sociological Approach, 2001-2017”. Korean Journal of Sociology 55(1) 89-130

Kim, Dae-Wook, Jeong-Woo Koo. 2020. (Korean). “Political Signaling and International Pressures: Implementaton of the Corporate Social Responsibility in the Chinese Listed Companies”. Korean Journal of Sociology 54(3) 85-130 Koo, Jeong-Woo, Dae-Wook Kim, and Eun Jung Lee. 2020. (Korean). “Global CSR and Social and Economic Value Creation: A Comparative Study on the Korean Listed Firms, 2004-2018”. Economy and Society 128(3) 392-435

Cho, Seong-Geon, and Jeong-Woo Koo. 2019. (Korean). “The Activities of the World Bank and Double Movement: Topic Modeling of Evaluation Reports, 2001-2017”. Korean Journal of Sociology 53(4) 89-136 Cho, Seong-Geon, and Jeong-Woo Koo. 2019. (Korean). “The Activities of the World Bank and Double Movement: Topic Modeling of Evaluation Reports, 2001-2017”. Korean Journal of Sociology 53(4) 89-136 Koo, Jeong-Woo, Jaesung Choi. 2019. “Polarized Embrace: South Korean Media Coverage of Human Rights, 1990-2016”. Journal of Human Rights 18(4) 455473 Koo, Jeong-Woo, Jinwon Chung. and Sun-Woong Kim. 2019. (Korean). “Public Attitude toward Human Rights Policy Issues: An Analysis of National Human Rights Survey of South Korea”. Korean Journal of Sociology 53(2) 43-92

Koo, Jeong-Woo, Jinwon Chung. and Nuri Sohn. 2018. (Korean). “Global Citizenship and Internatonal Development: An Analysis of Public’s Attitudes towards ODA”. Korean Journal of Sociology 52(2) 115-158 Koo, Jeong-Woo, Youn-Chang Nam, and Taehee Whang. 2018. (Korean).

“Human Rights and Predictive Modeling.” The Journal of Cybercommuncation 36(1) 53-110

Koo, Jeong-Woo, and Dae-Wook Kim. 2017. (Korean) “Which Company Is More Committeed to Global Corporate Social Responsibility?: Event History and Tobit Analyses of the Top 100 Korean Companies, 2003-2014”. Korean Journal of Sociology 51(4) 79-126 Koo, Jeong-Woo and Subin Lee. 2017. (Korean) “Determinants of Global Citizenship Identity: A Multi-Level Analysis”, Society and Theory 31(2) 7-41 Koo, Jeong-Woo, and Seong-Geon Cho. 2017. (Korean) “South Korean Media Coverage of Official Development Assistance:Topic Modeling Analysis of Six Print Media from 1993 to 2016” Journal of International and Area Studies 26(3) 173-210 Koo, Jeong-Woo. 2017. “The Construction of Human Rights Actorhood: Findings from Korean General Social Survey.” Journal of Human Rights 16(3) 261275– Published in Special Volume on Public Opinon Polling and Human Rights, (Guest Editor, James Ron, Univeristy of Minnesota

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칼럼: 세계일보 칼럼니스트(2022-현재), 국민일보 칼럼니스트(2020-22), 조선일보, 동아일보, 서울신문, 서울경제 등

방송: tvN 미래수업, MBC 별다리 유니버스, KBS1 특파원 보고 세계는 지금, EBS 교육대토론, SBS 그것이 알고싶다, SBS 스페셜, KBS 박상범의 시사진단 등.

삼성그룹 사장단, 삼성그룹 인사팀장, 삼성인력개발원, 삼성SDI (그룹장 및 신입), 국민의힘 의원 연찬회, 포스코, 코스닥협회, 우리금융그룹, 한국투자증권, 기업은행, SK E&S, 신영와코루, 한국원자력협회, 한국과학기술인력개발원, 가나문화포럼, 현대경제연구소, MBC, 서울교통공사, 한국에너지공단, 증평군, 사법연수원, 대검찰청, 고검찰청, 한국언론포럼, 한국노동사회연구소, 광명기업 기술포럼, 중앙대 건설대학원, 명지대, 군산대, 영진전문대, 영남대, 서울미래컨퍼런스, 글로벌인재포럼, 서울인성포럼 등 다수